Hello everyone,
We are reaching out with two announcements:
Check out the Meeting Summary from our October Transition meeting here to learn more about what we discussed and decisions that were made.
Our next Transition meeting—what we are now referring to as an “All Hands” meeting—is this Thursday, November 3 at 5-630pm PT / 8-930pm ET. Our apologies for the delay is announcing this meeting—we are still working on building out media coordination/management. Email abolitionapostles@gmail.com for the Zoom information.
This meeting is an opportunity for collaboration, conversation, and community as we continue working through this next iteration of the organization. Whether you’ve been to every single meeting this org has done ever or you’ve never been to one before — all are welcome! This week we’ll be making space for folks to share updates on different initiatives and working groups, to work through challenges/questions that are coming up, and to attempt to address other questions folks might have.
As always, reach out with any questions, feedback or concerns via email abolitionapostles@gmail.com
In solidarity,
Abolition Apostles community