Upcoming meetings & opportunities to get involved!
Hello everyone,
We hope you and your penpal(s) are doing well! We had several updates & opportunities to get involved in the coming weeks that we wanted to share:
There will be a tech & penpals working group meeting on Thursday, June 16, at 8pm EST/5pm PST at this link. This is a new space for anyone who is interested in helping with necessary tasks to keep this organization running, such as facilitating new penpal orientations, assigning penpals, maintaining our website and resource pages, and more. Everyone is welcome!
Are you looking to become a penpal? Attend our next New Penpal Orientation on Sunday, June 26 at 4pm EST/1pm PST! To attend, you first need to fill out this form.
We are continuing to host bi-weekly transition meetings. These meetings aim to create a regular space to discuss topics related to our current organizational transition, and all are welcome! Our next meeting will be on Thursday, June 23, at 8pm EST/5pm PST. You’ll be able to find the link to the meeting at linktr.ee/abolitionapostles closer to the date.
As a reminder, we have many resources linked at linktr.ee/abolitionapostles! You can go there for links to meetings, guides and resources, to add a loved one to our penpal waitlist, sign up to become a penpal, and more.
Are you a penpal based outside of the US? We’ve had several community members based outside of the US reach out to figure out the best ways to communicate with their penpals. Do you have ideas and/or experiences that might be helpful to share? Let us know here! You can also join our Slack to share information there directly.
Thanks again for being part of this community - we look forward to being in space with you soon!
Abolition Apostles Transition Team